
TUrnt-UP is a blog created and edited by Steve Thornton. It covers various topics concerning sports, entertainment, college life and other things that interest young people today. TUrnt-UP is a non-profit blog designed to inform, update and humor it's audience. TUrnt-UP proudly supports Temple University but is not affiliated with the institution.

Steve Thornton is a 21-year-old from West Chester, PA. He is currently a junior at Temple University in Philadelphia, majoring in journalism. His ultimate goal is to become a sports or entertainment journalist after he graduates. During his time at Temple, Steve has been on Dean's List each semester and currently holds a 3.80 GPA. Any questions, concerns or comments are always welcome and can be sent to the contact information below.

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TUrnt-UP proudly sponsors the Thornton Racing team of Tommy Beamer and Steve Durand.

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